Cinderalla and Prince Charming

Cinderalla and Prince Charming
The shoe fits

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Run - Watch - Love

We are told through out our lives to set goals, short and long term ones. For what reason? To make our lives seem more worthwhile? To feel good about ourselves because we accomplished something? It will make us more productive and proactive if we do so?  For whatever reasons they may be, I have set some goals in 2011 that I plan to accomplish this year.

They are:
- Run a 5K

This is a huge step for me, as I am not a runner nor ever have been. I think I only ran a mile in gym class once when I was in high school and that was for a grade. I have run 3.5 miles so far and plan to continue increasing my pace and length every week. I will keep you updated on the progress every week.

- Meet new people

This is vague but want to get out there and meet more people and maybe find Mr. Right.  My goal is to try speed dating, online dating, and joining groups in order to meet more people. I already started by completing the profile assessment on Eharmony and found some matches, however, haven't paid to join yet so unable to see the match's profile pictures. The question is do I not pay and still try to meet up with them or pay to see what they look like first?

- Watch all of the Oscar nominated films and try to predict the winners.

I just got done watching the Golden Globes and it was actually quite entertaining. Ricky Gervais did a great job hosting the show once again. I hope they bring him back next year to do it for a third time in a row.  I might be a little bias since The Office is my absolute favorite comedy show of all time but nevertheless he did not disappoint this year. I am a big movie fan. I like all types of movies from drama, comedy, independent to even foreign films. Some of my favorite movies are Shawshank Redemption, Gladiator, Count of Monte Cristo, Love Actually, 10 things I hate about you, Breakfast Club, etc. I enjoy spending an afternoon at the Cinema eating popcorn and being entertained by a good flick.  My goal this year is to watch all of the nominated Oscar movies. So far I have seen a majority of them but still need to see a couple more like True Grit and Country Strong. I was happy with the winners of today's show. Usually there are a few upsets but there were none this year I felt. I was glad to see Christain Bale win for best supporting actor and Colin Firth win for best actor as they both did a spectacular job with the roles they were given. Can't wait to see what happens at the Oscars now.

Those are my top 3 goals of 2011. I might add new ones to this list but for now, these are it.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Single in the City

Welcome to my blog.

Now you may think this blog will be about shoes but it is not. It will mostly be about being single in the city and trying to find Mr. Right. However, it just wont be exclusively limited to that as I will post about other things that come up here and there.
The title of this blog is a quote from Cinderella. She found her Prince Charming, but is it possible to find mine?  Does everyone have a Prince Charming out there or are we brainwashed at a young age by Disney to believe in such a thing as a Prince Charming?

Maybe this year will be the one where I'll find mine. Who knows. Probably not but at least some stories will come out of it... 

Stay tuned.