Cinderalla and Prince Charming

Cinderalla and Prince Charming
The shoe fits

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day 2011

This year it is all about the snow. I am lucky enough to travel to some of the best ski/snowboard mountain resorts in the country for work.   I get to experience all these places but unfortunately I don't know how to ski or snowboard.  I would really like to learn how and have been out there a couple of times but not succeeded yet.  I plan to eventually though, even if I'm 50 by the time I finally learn.  We had our first ever snow day at work today. It was amazing. I spent the majority of the day working but my roommates and I did get a chance to go out and play in the snow for awhile! We made a little snowman, had a "snowball" fight, and tried to go sledding down a hill.  Ended the day with oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and hot cocoa.

I have completed my snow duties, and now am ready for some sun and the beach. I am ready to put away my winter jacket for some flip flops and tank top. Only 3 more months, right? But who is counting...

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